Some years back there was a little known publication called "The strategy of the Dolphin". It's content timeless and sooo appropriate for dental practice. It goes like this;
Carps are bottom feeders; live by the motto I always lose, I can't win, have the bumper sticker "lifes a bitch and then you die". There are also pseudo enlightened carps who subscribe to the same beliefs as the carp but hold to the belief that if they "hold a crystal they can walk in front of a bus"...that they have no ownership nor influence on what happens to's just their "lot in life". Their bumper sticker "don't happy"
Sharks swim close to other fish and wait for their moment to strike. They live by the motto; in order for me to win, someone has to lose. It's the way of the world and so I can't be held accountable for my actions by playing it "smart".
Dolphins live by the motto "find the win/win". They take out sharks in the natural world. They ignore the bottom feeders. They can play in turbulent waters, find the up wave, know when to get out of the water, when to speed towards sharks or when to be gentle. They are wise and communicate brilliantly.
In the sea of dental practice, the challenge is to recognize the fish first. If there are carps and sharks in the waters, the next question of the leader is did you make them that way or hire them that way?
People's natures (driven by values) need investigation and yet so much emphasis is placed on skill. The challenge is to know how to recognize their values to determine nature rather than contend with incongruent natures. What have you on your team Dr.? What reasons can you identify as to how they got there? Which fish are you?